First time here? We are happy to see you! Let's help you and your little one settle in...
Nursery is available for ages 0 - 5
Please visit one of our check-in computers (located at Guest Services in the lobby) to get these things:
--Name tags (for your child)
--Security pick-up tag (for pick- up time)
--Bag tag (for baby bag labeling)
For children that need special care, or have an allergy, please alert the staff.
--Food: We provide snacks during each service (notify the teacher of any restrictions).
--Medications: We cannot administer medication to your child; it is your responsibility.
Please have your phone visible (on vibrate) during service in case we need to contact you. Thanks!​
Kid's Church is available for ages 6 to 12 in our Kids building. We work hard to make our Kid's services great. From the hilariously smart video content to the engaging music, you can be sure your child will love their experience. From hands-on activities to group discussion, your child will be engaged and included.